pen, pencil on paper 77.5cmx109.5cm
Twinkle Jabberwocky」は、2022年、牧かほりの個展「Where is Alice?」アリスはどこに?で展示された作品です。この個展は、牧かほりの初のオリジナルドローイング展になります。ドローイング制作のきっかけはコロナ禍にあります。当時すべての画材屋さんが閉まる中、アトリエにあった絵を保護用するためのクラフト紙に描き始めたのが発端でした。
“Twinkle Jabberwocky" was exhibited in 2022 at Maki Kahori's solo exhibition "Where is Alice? in 2022. This solo exhibition will be Maki Kahori's first exhibition of original drawings. The impetus for the creation of the drawing came from the COVID-19 pandemic. It started when she started to paint on kraft paper for protecting pictures in her studio while all the art supply stores were closed at the time.
This work is inspired by the Jabberwocky in the original Alice in Wonderland.
Drawings are made with pen, pencil, pastel, etc., and then cut and pasted to create a repeated collage. The result is a powerful work that combines the delicacy of the original drawing with the depth and pressure of the brushstrokes.