pencil. pastel on paper /59.4cm x 84.1cn Wooden frame, No surface protection
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「BEGININGS」は、2022年、牧かほりの個展「Where is Alice?」アリスはどこに?で展示された作品です。この個展は、牧かほりの初のオリジナルドローイング展であり、すべての作品が鉛筆やペンで一つ一つ描かれています。この作品のモチーフである”鳥”は、牧かほりの作品に度々登場しますが、本人が酉年であること、子供の頃、将来は白鳥になるという夢を真剣に持ち続けていたことに由来します。もう一つ鳥がよく描かれる理由として、牧はモチーフとしての4本足の動物を好まず、不安定であったり、アンバランスなフォルムを好んで描くためです。アシンメトリーや片足立ちが美しい”鳥”は、牧にとって魅力的なモチーフのようです。
“BEGININGS" was exhibited in 2022 at Kahori Maki's solo exhibition "Where is Alice? in 2022. This is the first exhibition of Maki's original drawings, all of which are individually drawn in pencil or pen. The motif of this work, "bird," which often appears in Maki Kahori's works, comes from the fact that she is the year of the rooster and that as a child she earnestly dreamed of becoming a swan in the future. Another reason why birds are often depicted is that Maki does not prefer four-legged animals as motifs, preferring unstable or unbalanced forms. Birds," with their beautiful asymmetry and one-legged stance, seem to be a fascinating motif for Maki.
The title "Beginnings" means a signal for the beginning. The shape of a chicken rises from a series of speedy lines that signal the beginning.
The art is drawn with pen, pencil, and pastel on kraft paper. The collage is partially cut and pasted, giving the work a powerful sense of depth that only an original painting can provide.ます。